Disturbingly Pragmatic with Dave and Paul
Join this genuine odd couple Dave and Paul in their living room, and listen in as they laugh, gab and sass (and sometimes argue) their way through all sorts of topics ranging from Pop Culture, True Crime, Headline News, LGBTQ+ Issues, Spooky Horrifying Crazy Wacky Ridiculous Stories, Trivia Nights, and so much more! When you mix the Disturbing in David and the Pragmatic in Paul you get Disturbingly Pragmatic, a podcast that will make you laugh, think, and ask yourself "WTF? Am I living in an ADHD fever dream?" Come and listen for yourself...you won’t regret it!
Disturbingly Pragmatic with Dave and Paul
We Weren't Shocked by "Saltburn", Jon Hamm is Tired of People Talking About His Penis, and "I Wish I Didn't Know" Friday Night Trivia Time!
Dave and Paul
Season 1
Episode 163
This Episode has EVERYTHING!
It's got:
- Paul's congestion!
- It's Amy Sedaris night!
- Low energy Friday!
- Hey Julieta, Diana, and Brit!
- Paul is empathetic! Dave...not so much!
- Dave was molested? WHAAAATTT??!?!?!
- "Saltburn" was not shocking to us!
- Uncut grave humping!
- "Short Bus" was shocking!
- Paul at Pine Knob!
- "Curb Your Enthusiasm" is uncomfortable!
- Wil Wheaton vs Larry David re Elmo!
- Jon Hamm's penis talk!
- Paul has impeccable dickdar!
- Drake's big penis!
- Ricky Spanish!
- Fire crotch!
- Keep your kids off social media!
- Don't microwave your fish at work!
Episode Links (In Order):
- Ronnie Vino - It's Friday Night!
- Dave shit on the floor episode (#20)!
- 10 Best Canadian couples podcasts list!
- "Short Bus" movie!
- Paul's Pine Knob memories episode (#33)!
- Wil Wheaton is mad at Larry David for attacking Elmo!
- Creepy Kevin Spacey Christmas video #1!
- Creepy Kevin Spacey Christmas video #2!
- Creepy Kevin Spacey Christmas video #3!
- Pat Sajak has always been a dick!
- Jon Hamm puzzled by fascination about his penis!
- Jon Hamm's Penis!
- "Scary Movie" micro penis scene!
- Tina Fey roasts the "Little Broadway C$&#s of TikTok"!
- Miss South Carolina is an idiot!
Music Credit!
Opening/Closing music graciously supplied by: https://audionautix.com/
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